Support for creatives

Arts Funding Advice

Applying for arts funding? Work with me to clarify your application and get all the help you need to get your application submitted.

Next DYCP Deadline: 22/08/2024
Getting out your own head

Clarity on your arts council funding application

You’re a creative person. You’re an artist. You’re not an expert bid writer. So it’s no wonder finding the right words to articulate your vision is difficult.

Creative practices I support

Arts Council England Funding

Developing Your Creative Practice

The DYCP from Arts Council England is a way to support creatives to expand the focus of their creative practice in new directions. You can apply for up to £12k and whilst it is competitive, it has at least a 1 in 5 success rate. From personal experience, I know it can revolutionise your practice

Develop new ways of working

What can you apply for?

DYCP funding can be used in so many unique and creative ways. In particular, ACE are looking for an opportunity for you to “transition” or “step up” your practice.

Application writing top tips

What makes a good DYCP Funding application?

I could talk for days about how to write your Developing Your Creative Practice application, but these are my top tips for getting started. 

Don't be perfect

This fund is to develop, so Arts Council England understand that you haven’t got it all figured out yet.

Clarity is king

Be as specific as you can in your budget & activity plan. Give names and dates even if you’re unsure.

Fund me, or else!

Be bold with your emotion. Talk about the reality of your situation and how hard things are for you. 

Use bold emotion

Talk about the reality of your situation and how hard things are for you. 

Know when to be ambitious...

Think big with your development. Not what you think you should want, what do you really want?

...and remember to keep it simple

Don’t tack things on randomly. Find the main thread to your idea and always return to that central theme.

Artist and DYCP nerd

Meet your Bristol-based creative funding coach: Cai Burton

I’ve been adapting my practice as an artist for years, so I know how it feels to be going for this funding. In 2021, I applied and secured DYCP funding for my own practice.

Since then, I’ve been paying the advice I recieved forward and have supported hundreds of creatives to apply for and secure funding.

Hundreds of creatives helped

Making a real impact for Artists & Creatives

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Prices & packages

Funding application support for every budget

Creating a successful application is hard, and I want to help you in whichever way is best for you.

  • DYCP Application Template Free

    I've created a template with everything you need to complete your DYCP application before you log into Grantium (ACE's funding portal)

  • Application review £25

    Written feedback on your writing including personalised tips and advice for how to improve your Arts Council funding application.

  • 1:1 DYCP Coaching Session £50 - £90

    1 hour coaching session to discuss your goals, budget, activity plan and make amends to your application. Priced on a flexible scale to suit your budget.

  • DYCP Support Package £220

    A full DYCP application development plan including 3 x 1:1 sessions, application reviews, on call support with your application and planning if you are unsuccessful.

DYCP Resource:

Free Funding Application Template

Art’s Council England’s funding portal (Grantium) is a hot mess. To help you use it as little as possible, I’ve designed a template with everything you need to complete your application. It’s pay what you feel (or free) and easy to use.

Register your interest

Make an enquiry

I’m genuinely excited to work with people on their funding applications, so I’m so pleased that you’re considering getting my help.

Sessions can be carried out over Zoom, the phone or face-to-face in Bristol.


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