1:1 support & focus

Creative Coaching Sessions

As an RD1st Qualified Coach for creatives, I offer 1:1 support for artists, makers, musicians, writers and much more to set goals and find focus.

Business planning & goal setting

Keeping a creative approach to getting stuff done

Just because we want to sit around all day making stuff doesn’t mean we can. At least not always. Coaching offers a structured check in for you to make plans and follow through. As your accountability partner, I am there to ask you questions and keep you focussed on your business.

Creative practices I support

Dedicated support for artists

One-to-one Artist Sessions in a way that suits you

Your coaching sessions are led by you. I have a variety of ways we can work together, and it’s important to find the way that’s best for you. Whether it’s a coaching walk through The Downs in Bristol, or a zoom call to your campervan, I can adapt to suit your needs for a session.

Tailored coaching approaches include

What does coaching offer?

Your goals for creative coaching: from trying out new art processes to creating your business plan

Coaching isn’t like mentoring or consultation, where I will sit there and tell you what to do. Instead, I will ask questions and help you work out what the best solution is based on your needs.

But if you’re unsure where to start, these are the kind of outcomes you can expect from a coaching session

Clearer business plan

Together we can break down your goals into a specific, actionable plan with a clear outcome

Your accountability partner

Having someone to talk to every month can help you to stick to your actions and change things up if you’re not seeing progress

Build a marketing plan

Break down your social calendar or marketing goals to make it more practical and clear

Untangle the knots of a creative mind

If you feel like your brain is overwhelmed by ideas and distraction, coaching can help to calm your thoughts and give you direction to move forward

Evaluate your Creative Practice

By looking at what is and isn’t working for you, we can judge where your energy is best placed for positive business results

Discover your values & drivers

Get to grips with what’s really important within your practice. An understanding of your values means that you can work with more intention and focus in your approach

Long term planning

Get out of the busy-ness from being stuck in your day-to-day work and think bigger picture about where you’re going

Time to talk

Instead of working alone, share your ideas and talk them through with another artist

Hi, my name is Cai Burton

A Bristol-based coach for creatives and the face behind Joyful Design

My name comes from the Welsh word for “rejoice”, which is why I want to help you bring joy to the work you do. I love meeting new creatives and hearing about fresh, exciting ideas for art projects.

I’ve got over 10 years experience working as an artist and building relationships with arts organisations across Bristol and the South West. Since 2021, I’ve been working as an RD1st qualified coach for creatives.

Hundreds of creatives helped

Making a real impact for Artists & Creatives

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Prices & packages

Finding the right coaching support at the right price

A good coaching relationship always starts with a conversation, so do get in touch if you’re interested in working together. Below is an overview of what you can expect to pay for a session together.

  • Introduction call Free

    To get a feel for if coaching is right for you, we can arrange up to 45 minutes together for free to see if it's a good fit.

  • 1:1 Coaching Session £50 - £90

    1 hour coaching session to use as you please, priced on a flexible scale to suit your budget, and can be booked in regularly.

  • Book in bulk +1 Free Session

    Coaching works best when you book in multiple sessions, so if you pay for 5 sessions upfront, you get one free extra session too.

Register your interest

Make an enquiry

I’m genuinely excited to hear about everyone’s creative work, and if nothing else, it would be lovely to talk. 

If you are interested in getting some creative coaching then fill out the enquiry form below and I’ll be in touch to arrange some time together. Sessions can usually be held on Mondays or Fridays.


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